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Music Articles

Gus Dapperton, Musician

Mar 14, 2019

Gus Dapperton, Musician


With gleaming choruses and hooks that coexists in parallel to his physical energy, musician Gus Dapperton resonates a warm and youthful sound that will take you back to the evenings of a Summer night during your adolescent years.  His melodies are delivered through prismatic synthy progressions, accompanied with euphonious guitar riffs and rhythmic percussions.  With his latest track,  Fill Me Up Anthem, is available now for your listening pleasure on all streaming services. His newest full length project, Where Polly People Go to Read, will be releasing on April 19th.

What kind of music did you listen to growing up?

Justin Timberlake, 50 Cent, Michael Jackson, Britney Spears, The Beatles.


Do you remember the first CD that you bought/gave you creative spark to make music?

Madvillainy by Madvillain.

Spazzy Mcgee was your first stage name, can you explain how you came to that name?

My dad always called me that growing up. And coincidentally in School of Rock, best movie ever, Jack Black gives Freddie that nickname.


You present yourself with an aesthetic of vibrant colors. How important is the visual representation of Gus Dapperton to the music?

Every aspect of art is equally important to me. I use fashion, film, and music to express myself and i put 100% of my heart into every outlet.

Can you describe your songwriting process?

It happens differently each time.  Sometimes it begins with a melody in my head, a word or a phrase, and other times its a rhythm or a chord progression.

It captures this past year of my life. Highs of love and lows of deceit.

You wrote a few tracks for 13 Reasons why. Do you have any projects outside of your personal album that you can talk about?

Just one track, and yes I have many, but most are just for me and the sake of emotional release. Maybe I will share some other projects soon.


What can you say is different in this new project reflecting on previous work?

It’s just an evolution of my previous work. It captures this past year of my life. Highs of love and lows of deceit.


How has touring Europe been? Is this your first time touring outside the US? How are the crowds different out there  than the hometown

No, this is the third time we are touring in europe.  The crowds are a bit more courageous in regards to dancing and expression.  They feed off our energy on stage and try to match that.


What inspired the visual concepts to your new music video, My Favorite Fish?

The video is directly and literally inspired by the song.  The colors in the video are what I see when I listen to the song.  Each scene is just an innuendo of each lyric. It’s all about Jess.