Billie Eilish Calls on Fans to Speak Out about Climate Change with New Video
Billie Eilish Calls on Fans to Speak Out about Climate Change with New Video
As if the 17-year-old Billie Eilish hasn’t turned heads enough with her eccentric sounds and vibrant persona, she’s now sprouting angelic wings in her newest video for the single “All the Good Girls Go to Hell,” off her debut album When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go? with the hopes of rallying fans to speak out about the growing climate crisis.
Directed by Rich Lee, the piece opens in a milky white space with a number of hands stabbing Eilish with needles, followed by the violent emergence of wings from her back. This moves to a shot of her plummeting onto Earth, landing in a pool of oily sludge. The video then follows her struggling figure as it emerges from the mess and onto a long road. Blazes of fire erupt in her wake from which devilish-looking beings begin to dance. To send a bigger message, the release of this video was timed to coincide with the upcoming UN’s Climate Action Summit in New York (September 23rd). “Right now there are millions of people all over the world begging our leaders to pay attention,” Eilish states on her Instagram. “Our earth is warming up at an unprecedented rate, ice caps are melting, our oceans are rising, our wildlife is being poisoned and our forests are burning.” She urges her fans to take action and let their voices be heard.