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Buttermilk Articles

Buttermilk ™ RoundUp .03

Jan 3, 2018

Buttermilk ™ RoundUp .03


Buttermilk™ shares news, recipes, op-eds, memes, and everything in between, all food related and curated by us.

Jon & Vinny's Excellent Adventure

LA Mag features an extensive look into the lives of the guys responsible for Animal, Son of a Gun, and Jon & Vinny’s, written by Garret Snyder, co-author of the Night + Market cookbook. We learn they smoke half an ounce of kush a week, live 10 houses away from each other in Hancock Park, and that Taschen is the sole investor in their ventures. Needless to say, there’s a lot of wild stuff in there that’s not commonly known about these restauranteurs. 

Adam Villacin's Fruit

Fan of fruit fashion? LA based artist Adam Villacin sells tons of great shirts, but this fruit guy could be a nice addition to your food based wardrobe.

The Raw Water Movement

The Mountain Valley Cooler is no longer the biggest h20 flex available –  NYT has an article on the raw water movement. Somewhere between tech-bro and moon juice-er are people who believe tap water has bad stuff in it, and unfiltered stream water has good stuff in it. Obviously not cheap yet, but we’re intrigued. If raw-dog stream water sounds too intense for you right now, Walter Filter makes very cute water filtration jugs for home, chic ceramic units with excellent filtration, and has a very cool site too.

Primitive Ceramic Pot Maker

Speaking of raw water, streams, and ceramics… if you smoke weed, watch this 10 minute youtube video about how to make a primitive ceramic pot, literally in the jungle with stream water and dirt. Subscribe to the channel too, if you’re crafty.

Jeremiah Tower: The Last Magnificent

Netflix has a great documentary up now on Jeremiah Tower, the highly influential chef responsible for a lot of the American cooking movement in the ’80s and ’90s. Tower first started at the infamous Chez Panisse, working alongside, and then butting heads with Alice Waters. Later in New York at Stars, he created one of the highest regarded restaurant in modern history. Plus, there’s some cool old footage of how kitchens ran back in the ’70s (sadly some great testimonials from Batali tho).