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Buttermilk Articles

Zucchini Hazelnut Romesco Recipe

Jan 12, 2018

Zucchini Hazelnut Romesco Recipe


Mmmm...put it everywhere.

Romesco is a Spanish sauce made from pulverizing things with olive oil, mainly red peppers and almonds. Often served with fish, it’s meant to have big, bright flavors and is often served with seafood. Many recipes call for using torn stale bread as thickeners, and usually it’s a lot more heavy on the oil, this recipe should be a thicker spread, more than a sauce. It has tons of flavor from the roasted veggies, lots of brightness and acid from the capers, lemon, and rice wine vinegar. Lastly, the roasted hazelnuts make everything taste more luxurious and expensive because hazelnuts are luxurious and expensive. Use this as a sandwich spread, smear it on toast with some sardines, smear it around a bowl and fill it with grains and veggies, you could probably even use this as a funky ravioli filling. 



Food processor

Baking sheet



1 green pepper – roasted

1 zucchini – roasted

2 garlic cloves

1/2 cup hazelnuts

1 tbsp rice wine vinegar

1 tbsp fresh lemon juice

⅛  cup olive oil (can add more if you like it more saucy)

1 tbsp caper

½ cup chopped parsley (rough chop)

2 green onions, diced

1/2 tsp salt

1/4 tsp paprika


  1. Preheat oven to 500º
  2. Destem and core your bell pepper and slice zucchini in half and place on foil lined baking sheet, flesh side up
  3. Salt the vegetables and brush a thin layer of olive oil on all surfaces
  4. Roast for 25 minutes, rotating baking sheet halfway
  5. When 25 minutes is up, place a peeled garlic clove in each pepper half, and a half cup of hazelnuts anywhere on the sheet
  6. Roast for 7 more minutes
  7. While those last 7 minutes go by, add ALL the other ingredients to your food processor
  8. Remove baking sheet from oven and let cool for 5 minutes before adding roasted veg, nuts, and garlic to the food processor
  9. Pulse a few times to get things going, and process for 2 minutes, stopping halfway to scrape down the sides of the bowl with a rubber spatula
  10. Let flavors mingle for 30 minutes before serving, should last a week in the fridge