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You Can Get Everything You Want Right Now, Here’s How

Mar 8, 2017

You Can Get Everything You Want Right Now, Here’s How


If we could describe 2017 in two words, it’d be easy: instant gratification. We can have anything we want at our fingertips, especially in Los Angeles. Need someone to clean your house in the next hour? Done. Want a massage but don’t feel like leaving your living room? No problem. Craving your favorite Italian food on the other side of town? It can be at your doorstep within the hour. But is all of this instant gratification harming us? We did a little research on the topic and you’ll be interested to see, the answer might not be what you’d think.

Instant gratification is described by Entrepreneur as “the desire to experience pleasure or fulfillment without delay or deferment.” In short, it’s wanting something and getting it right then and there. In a study by Ask Your Target Market, they said ”Of those consumers who have mobile ordering apps, 18% said that they’ve used them within the past day, 29% have done so within the past week, 29% have used their restaurant apps within the past month, 14% have used them within the past three months, 4% have used them within the past year, 3% said it’s been over a year since the last time they used their ordering apps, and another 3% have never actually used them.” So there you have it. Only 3% haven’t used them—and that’s most likely because they are yet to discover the convenience.

We even found Herb Delivery, your go-to for you guessed it, herb, where you can get a card and cannabis delivered directly to your door in less than an hour.

From Amazon’s Prime Now to Postmates, most shoppers need what they need, and they need it right now. We even found Herb Delivery, your go-to for you guessed it, herb, where you can get a card and cannabis delivered directly to your door in less than an hour. Granted this can’t happen in every state (yet), but ten years ago, we couldn’t even imagine this as a possibility.

Even Magic CEO Mike Chen told ABC7, “What’s been happening with mobile over the last few years has really been making people more and more used to the idea that you can just click a button and get something. So I think that desire is what’s driving this industry.” Clearly, instant gratification has its place and is directly effecting consumers and marketers alike.

What’s been happening with mobile over the last few years has really been making people more and more used to the idea that you can just click a button and get something.

Maybe instant gratification isn’t the worst thing, considering people (especially entrepreneurs) are busier now more than ever. Having tasks like grocery shopping, house cleaning, food, and rides delivered to you isn’t so bad, but it’s important to remember things you really want don’t come instantly. So keep up the hard work and patience to build your brand, network, or company, but for the little things, it’s all about the click of a button. For now, we’ll take our Netflix queue, Postmates orders, and maybe a Lyft if we feel like venturing out—all while working our asses off.