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Tech Articles

Snapchat’s CEO is Drake of the Tech World

Feb 28, 2017

Snapchat’s CEO is Drake of the Tech World


A typical day away from the office for a certain entrepreneur could look like this: A joy ride down the PCH in his Ferrari to his helicopter, where he can fly himself anywhere in the world to visit his international supermodel fiancé. Sound familiar? Yes, that could very well be the plot for a rap video, but it isn’t—we’re actually talking about Snapchat‘s Evan Spiegel.

Needless to say, there is something different about the social media CEO. At just 26, he rules the tech world and also appears in tabloid headlines as much any celebrity. It could have something to do with the basic concept that the social platform started as a way to sext without leaving a trace.

What we’re really saying is, Evan has a rebellious reputation that even precedes his startup’s success. Back in his days as a Stanford student, he was just short of getting enough credits to graduate, so the university let him walk at the graduation ceremony with the assumption he would finish the requirements—though he never did earn those final credits. Instead of returning to Stanford to complete what would be expected from an entrepreneur, Evan reminds himself (and others) that an unconventional path is nothing to be ashamed of: “It reminded me that oftentimes we do all sorts of silly things to avoid appearing different. Conforming happens so naturally that we can forget how powerful it is. But the thing that makes us human are those times we listen to the whispers of our soul and allow ourselves to be pulled in another direction.”

Forbes’ “30 Under 30” cover star proves it can pay (literally) to take risks. Even though he’s a renegade, Evan’s confidence has convinced investors, media companies, advertisers, and the 100 million-plus global users to follow his lead to make him worth about $5 billion. He’s already proved naysayers wrong time and time again, like when Drake went from being a Canadian child actor on Degrassi to a global superstar.

Evan’s an evident game changer, which is why many believe him when he says Snap has an initial public offerings (or IP) set at $25 billion. Whether you like his way of life or not, Evan doesn’t care—he delivers repeatedly on his monetary promises no matter how lofty the projection, so either financiers get on board with Snap or he’ll move on to the tens of others who will.