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Travel Articles

Out of Office: Atlanta

Sep 3, 2017

Out of Office: Atlanta


Other than its classic southern charm and birthing hip hop musical geniuses such as Outkast, Atlanta has been off the entertainment industry’s radar—that is until Donald Glover accepted a Golden Globe last year for Atlanta. He also used his acceptance speech as an opportunity to shout out to Migos, another Atlanta native group, whose rap hit “Bad and Bougie” catapulted them to stardom. Since then eyes have pivoted to Atlanta to see what cultural phenomenon will come out of it next.

Beyond Donald and rap, big budget flicks are starting to ditch Hollywood in favor of Georgia’s tax break. The low cost of living has also inspired an influx of young families and singles looking for community to relocate and subsequently shift the city’s landscape. The old and the new are coming together to create a rare and unique mix of architecture, culture, and community. Atlanta is a city that is always reinventing itself to rise from the ashes, and right now it feels like its Golden Age. Welcome to the ATL.