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Travel Articles

Baroque Venice Film Festival

Sep 7, 2017

Baroque Venice Film Festival


This past weekend ushered in the 74th annual Venice Film Festival at La Biennale, with the international media and film festival circuit arriving onto the island-city by boat.

Venice hosts the oldest film festival in the world, and by nature, is unprecedented for its history and glamour. Here’s our 48-hour coverage of the Kinéo Diamanti Awards during La Biennale di Venezia.

Arriving onto Piazza San Marco
The only mode of transport in Venice off-foot is by gondola or speed boat, with cab lines situated along the canals.
Floating through the curved and colorful canals of Venice.
A James Bond moment rushing to the gala by boat.
Susan Sarandon, winner of the Kinéo International Awards speaking on a press panel.
Italian icon Claudia Cardinale receiving the Lifetime Achievement Award at Kinéo Diamanti.
Venice by moonlight.

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