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Rare & Well Articles

The importance of everyday escapism

Rare & Well
Apr 2, 2018

The importance of everyday escapism


Get up, get out, get something.

There is not much more gratifying than escaping everyday surroundings and spending more time in nature to shift perspectives. This past week I retreated to Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica. Waking up with the sun sans alarm, falling asleep shortly after sunset, drinking coconuts freshly picked from the tree and foods exclusively from local farmers is all standard procedure. Escapism is a sure fire way to put you in the present moment. In the midst of the Spring Equinox many of us are having thoughts of letting go of what doesn’t serve us and putting into action what we want in this life.

It’s easy to complain about almost anything while living in a metropolitan city- the trains, the people, and the noise. Living simply and focusing on the little things are important in seeing the universality of all beings is powerful and comforting.

Obviously, we don’t all have the luxury of whisking ourselves away to another country to relax and clear our mind on the regular. But there are plenty of ways to break patterns and get out in nature even if it’s just going to a neighborhood park or taking a day trip to a hiking trail.

These are some quick tips to help you slow down, be present in your environment, become one with nature and take full advantage of the Equinox:


There is a lot of hesitance about exposure to the sun for a multitude of reasons like aging, skin damage, etc. but without the sun life would cease to exist. It’s therapeutic to let your face be in the sun for about five minutes. It can greatly help your mood as well. Take a break from work, find a sunny spot, just bask.



We live in a world where we bathe in chlorinated swimming pools and drink filtered water bottled in plastic. Submerging your body into natural bodies of water is not only cleansing but also extremely healing. The rejuvenating feeling of hopping into a canal in Copenhagen or a hot spring in Idaho is self-evident. If you can’t make it to the ocean, find a lake or fill up your bathtub with water with Epsom salts and let your skin soak and muscles relax. Submerge your entire body from head to toe.



If you’re living in a city hopefully you’re wearing shoes most of the day, with the exception of being in your home. Walking barefoot on the earth reminds us of how connected we are to her. To feel the world’s foundation on our bodily foundation is powerful. This can be done easily by going to your local park, taking your shoes off and walking around a little bit. Do this in conjunction with basking in the sun and just lay yourself on a patch of grass and feel your body become one with the earth.