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  • Staff Writer, Los Angeles

    The staff writer will be an imperative part of the editorial team, reporting directly to the content editor. This individual must be able to skillfully multi-task; writing content, managing social media accounts, coordinating schedules, and staying one step ahead of administrative tasks.  In order to be successful in this role, he/she/they must be enthusiastic, and have a keen knowledge of trends in art, fashion, music, and food. 

    +This is a part time position.

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  • Editorial Intern, Los Angeles

    The position requires someone who is fast on their feet, enthusiastic about culture and trend (i.e. music, fashion, technology, art and food) and interested in building content and helping with day-to-day website management.


    Apply Now
  • Submissions welcome

    We are always looking for writers, photographers, and videographers to contribute to WW who are professional, up-to-date on the latest happenings in arts and culture.

    If you have an idea for a story and have a portfolio of published work, we want to hear from you.


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