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Art Articles

A film by Cara Friedman: For a Softer, Smooth Look

May 3, 2018

A film by Cara Friedman: For a Softer, Smooth Look



Looking back to move forward...

1960s tutorials on grooming, dressing, and preparing your home for your husband might feel anachronistic, but society still can’t seem to stop telling women what to do. Can you trace the lineage of the instructional video from the happy homemaker to Kim Kardashian’s contouring videos? Probably not.

This short film by LA based Director/Photographer, Cara Friedman, is poking lightly at the fabric that weaves together patriarchal notions of femininity, the evolution of the “women’s role,” and, duh, capitalism! Today many women still fight for the ability to choose their own path, and they have fun with makeup and beauty along the way, doing it just for themselves. Now, there is no need for someone else’s strict steps to perfection: we make our own and then break them.


Director  @caracallsitcomplicated

Actress @myfriendpaige

Producer @vikipedia_

Lighting @lindsayellary

Hair @drtn

Makeup @courthart1

Stylists @marpeidro @savannakc


Special Thanks to Kim Sing Theatre