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Art Articles

Best of Basel 2017

Dec 12, 2017

Best of Basel 2017

Social Studies by Angelo Baque

Angelo Baque‘s Social Studies was a 4 day “open-source” and retail pop-up experience with contributions from Virgil Abloh, Heron Preston, Union Los Angeles, Shaniqwa Jarvis, AWAKE, 032c, and No Vacancy Inn that brought together guests including Skepta and Ronnie Fieg to participate and host in workshops & events.

Prada Double Club

Presented by Fondazione Prada, and created by Carsten Höller, “The Prada Double Club Miami,” was an art installation to be experienced as a fully-functioning “guerilla” nightclub.

THE BOX at Faena

Notoriously naughty hotspot, THE BOX, took over the Faena Theatre for three exclusive nights bringing performance art to the next level during Art Week Miami. Theatrical Director Simon Hammerstein and THE BOX troupe from NYC, London and across the globe, entertained Basel-goers into the late-night adding a layer of decadence and revelry to the week of festivities.

Bjork x Oneohtrix Point Never

The epic Icelandic musician performed an eclectic 4 hour DJ set, at her first ever Miami performance at Mana Wynwood accompanied by Oneohtrix Point Never.

Blank Canvas by Soundcloud & 1800 Tequila

During Miami Art Basel, SoundCloud presented an immersive showcase of creativity and craftsmanship narrated through the transformative art of Snarkitecture & Nick Thomm. It also included performances by Dave East and MadeinTyo. The experience was a journey fueled by passion and vision, transforming a blank space into a work of art.