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Art Articles

Daisies Group Show in New York

Jun 14, 2019

Daisies Group Show in New York

With Summer peaking its way around the corner, the New York sunshine has bloomed over curator Paige Silveria‘s second iteration of her pop-up exhibition series, Daisies. The show featured work by emerging artists from around the world and is inspired by the ’66 Czech New Wave film of the same name, which focuses on two existentially disillusioned girls who engage in anarchic and revelrous behavior. The film was banned by the Communist government for promoting dangerous behavior. The exhibition series is comprised of work imbued with the same rebellious, critical and fun ethos.

Housed at 323 Canal Street in Soho, the exhibition showcased the visual work of over 30 artists including CHITO, Carlotta Kohl, Manon Macasaet, Justin Hager, plus live performances by Alexander Sheehan (poetry reading), Eva Alt (dance) and Ruth Fish (interpretive dance). The next showcase is slated for August in Los Angeles. Keep your eyes peeled for dates.