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Style Articles

Genius Looks Back to 1997

May 11, 2017

Genius Looks Back to 1997


Our friends at Genius are back at it with their epic ‘Genius 1997′ clothing line. Perks? It’ll bring back all of that ’90s nostalgia you know, love, and sometimes choose to forget (Baby G watches, Tamagotchis, low rise bell bottoms—you know the drill). It’s inspired by a “medley of musical moments” featuring everything from when Bad Boy ruled the summer to Titanic crashing the box office to the Spice Girls’ every move (stop pretending like you’re not going straight to your Spotify).

When we chatted with Lila Murphy, Genius’s creative lead for the collection, she told us, “While merch has always been a part of the Genius brand, we saw the opportunity to have apparel be an extension of our content. Genius is about telling music stories and revealing the facts behind the tracks, so we wanted to bring those stories to life in physical form. Given the 20th anniversary, we thought 1997 was a compelling theme for our first collection. From Fiona Apple’s defiant acceptance speech at the VMAs to the Tunnel nightclub, 1997 has a lot of stories to tell. We hope this new medium will help bring music knowledge to a fresh audience in a very tangible way.”

Check out the collection below and if you like what you see (you will), get it here.