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Get to Work: Gym Alternatives to Try Now

Jan 5, 2017

Get to Work: Gym Alternatives to Try Now

Like presents under the Christmas tree, New Year’s resolutions have become a holiday season tradition. One of the more popular New Year’s resolutions is exercise, but the vow is easier said than done. Besides the self-motivation necessary, going to the gym doesn’t always sound like the most exciting activity. We’re here to tell you 45 minutes on the elliptical isn’t your only option to tighten up. Here are some gym alternatives to better your chances of achieving more energy and some serious endorphins before we ring in 2018:

1. Y7

Y7 is yoga—but seriously turned up. Walk into any of their bicoastal studios and you’ll find dark rooms, vibrating sounds, and no mirrors so you can focus on your body’s movements. The class includes 60 minutes of intense fluid poses with deep breathing exercises that clear the mind and tone your muscles at the same time.

2. Bouldering

Bouldering is the indoor version of rock climbing—you know, without the uncertainty of nature’s elements. Climbing is a total body workout, requiring you to engage everything from your calves, to your core, to your fingertips. The color coding on the walls also turns it into a brain tease since it requires you plan your course as you go. There are a ton of climbing gyms popping up around the US, but our favorites are Brooklyn Boulders and Touchstone Climbing.

3. Pop Physique

You’ve seen the billboards with the scantily-clad ladies, but have you tried the workout? It takes major endurance. The ballet bare-based class makes for lean dancer’s muscles, but you don’t have to have the expertise of a ballerina. It’s a combination of unique strength work and stretching that works the muscles—and once you get the motions down, they’re also easy to replicate at home or on the go (Pro-tip: they also have at-home DVDs).