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Style Articles

Into the woods with Chanel

Mar 7, 2018

Into the woods with Chanel


Into the Woods with Chanel

No one sets the stage quite like Chanel. Every season the brand transforms the Grand Palais into a spectacle, setting scenes ranging from airport terminals to space stations. This season was no exception, where Karl took us back into the woods for a full blown immersive experience, each step replete with the crunch of sodden leaves and the crisp cool smell of autumn in the air.

The autumn/winter 2018 collection returned Chanel to its roots (literally), with the collection focusing on wearable pieces from floor length coats, tweed outerwear and low heeled boots. The trend pieces erred on the side of 80’s, with styling emphasizing on mis-matched earrings, bold shoulders and hot-pink accents as the collection moved into evening wear.

The beauty looks embraced the raw and natural stage setting, with models wearing effortless top buns and soft-hued earthy shadows against warm skin. The cozy collection was a feast for sore eyes after a week of harsh weather conditions closing in on the the final leg of fashion month. After weeks of high heels, seasonally inappropriate samples and a crowded schedule, the oversized scarves, textured bags and lace appliqués spoke softly to the heavy-lidded editors and fashion insiders yearning for a soft landing once the show was over.