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Jason Stewart Knows Which Podcasts You Should Listen to Next

Mar 14, 2017

Jason Stewart Knows Which Podcasts You Should Listen to Next


As a professional DJ, I often find myself sick of music, even music I’d never play in a club. Thankfully many years and two gyms ago I discovered podcasts, and that if you listen to people talking instead of playing music, you can turn your brain completely off for an hour. It seems like everyone is into them now, even my mom, although I’ve forbid her from listening to my own podcast in fear of her finding out I smoke cigarettes when I drink or have had sex before. Most of the world’s podcast consumers came with season one of “Serial” and went back to listening to The Weeknd on an elliptical when season two arrived. If you pod at all, then you know the godfathers—like WTF with Marc Maron, The Joe Rogan Experience, and Adam Carolla—who have managed to make millions off podcasting, but most of us just do it for the love of the game. Here are a few of my favorite, lesser-known podcasts:

Hound Tall with Moshe Kasher

Despite “Hound Tall” not really rolling off the tongue so well, I also have no clue what it means. Moshe is a Jewish comedian from the Bay Area, I think both of his parents are deaf(!), and he used to be a raver in the late 90s. Recorded live monthly, Moshe picks a single topic for a panel of comedians and one expert on the matter to discuss thoroughly, donating proceeds of every show to a charity relating to said topic, which is nice! His episodes on “Pimpin,” “Raves and the History of Electronic Music,” and “The Case for Ending Civilization” are some of my favorites.

Public Announcement

I’m a bit biased as one of my closest friends and recurring guests on my own podcast is a part of it. Chris Black and James Ellis are hosts of this extremely produced podcast. When I say “produced,” I mean I admire just how much work, and fun, James has put into the show, adding music stings, sound effects, perfectly timed famous quotes. The two of them are both from the South, currently in New York and tell tales of their childhood and beyond, the pilot episode might be my favorite, the two of them hopping on a plane and flying back home to get to the bottom of a high school prank gone too far, ending with a dead body on Chris’ family driveway (it was an animal, but a big one). Equally fascinating, their episode on James’ history of being an AOL spammer for hire as a teenager.


This might be my nerdiest reveal, but after wondering if I could like, “totally write a movie,” I found this pod. John and Craig are two seemingly accomplished screenwriters in Hollywood with a weekly show relating to screenwriting and anything remotely involving it. You might find an agent from CAA telling listeners what to not do when attempting to get your foot in the door, or an aspiring writer sending in their samples for dissection. You can tell they truly love giving honest and real advice, especially when it’s a tough pill to swallow. They’re kind of like my comforting, dorky uncles I never realized I wanted.

For more on Jason Stewart, be sure to follow him on Instagram or check out his podcasts Tall Tales, The Stew, and Serious Mixing. Jason also hosts New Rules and produces Air Buds for WW Radio.