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Art Articles

American Women by Hayley Francise and Huy Doan

Jul 4, 2018

American Women by Hayley Francise and Huy Doan

Referencing Mary Ellen Mark’s photos of the characters who live in the outskirts of America, Hayley Francise teamed up with Huy Doan to focus on recreating those uncomfortable portraits. Using references that are close to Hayley’s upbringing in the American south, the team reimagines the girls who were raised by the highway, smoke Marlboro Reds, and line their eyes in blue.

Photographer: Huy Doan @huydoan

Stylist: Francise @hayley.francise

Makeup: Satya Linak at Photogenics Army

Makeup Assistant: Alisa Yasuda

Hair: Ian James at The Wall Group

Models: Page @pageruth  |  TJ @renegades_