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Smudge Articles

Puff, Puff, Pass…

Apr 20, 2018

Puff, Puff, Pass…

don't bogart...

January 1st, 2018 marked the legalization of marijuana use and the sale of cannabis products in the state of California. Even in just the first few months of the year, we are seeing a boom in shops, products, and distribution within the new market. To celebrate our first 4/20 as legal consumers, Dana Boulos captures ethereal puffs of indica and immaculately styled sativa divas.

Photographer – @danaboulos

Stylist – @juliannmccandless

Models – @andyishh @thelittlebeast @itsmevox 

Makeup – @alexnhernandez 

Clothing featured :


Natto Franco


Cleola Forever

Jiwinaia Fire

Brashy Studios


Cannabis Hair Treatment courtesy of Le Salon