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Style Articles

Paris’ best vintage is coming stateside

Jul 28, 2017

Paris’ best vintage is coming stateside

Paris is best known as the City of Love. In art, it is depicted as the place to live out romantic dreams—an afternoon with your significant other in the company of a baguette under the Eiffel Tower or an afternoon holding hands at the Louvre. Though, we shouldn’t forget that the City of Love is for lovers of shopping too. Endless unassuming storefronts hide vintage treasures just waiting for a new home.

One of our favorite shops belongs to a woman named Catherine B, who has devoted over a decade of her life to finding and selling the chicest, rarest vintage from coveted designers like Chanel and Hermès.

This Saturday, for one day only, Catherine is bringing her precious items to Downtown LA in partnership with Basic Space—the new marketplace app curated by a verified crew of fashion’s coolest influencers.

After you RSVP, see a preview of what you will be waiting for you this Saturday.

For more on Catherine B, visit her site + follow her on Instagram.