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Celebrating Z-Boys’ Dogtown Skateboards

Sep 1, 2017

Celebrating Z-Boys’ Dogtown Skateboards

It all began in 1973 on the westside of Los Angeles, California at a shop called Jeff Ho Surfboards and Zephyr Productions. The shop owner recruited a 14-year-old name Nathan Pratt to apprentice for him–to learn the art of making surfboards. And then more hyperactive, adrenaline-thirsty teens like Allen Sarlo, Jay Adams, Tony Alva, Chris Cahill, and Stacy Peralta joined in.

They wanted to surf and they dominated the tides as the Z-Boys, but they weren’t just surfers. They also used the dryland alternative—skateboards—to mimic their wavy moves and create tricks completely different from what skate culture ever was before.

Leaving Jeff behind, the members competed in the now-iconic Del Mar Nationals in 1975 and, again, annihilated the competition. They became so successful, that they created a brand called Dogtown Skateboards. The boys were also the first to skate empty pools, subsequently inventing the “bowl” that is now a staple of skate culture. Thanks to them, skating went from being known as just a reckless hobby to a respected extreme sport. Basically, the kids invented skateboarding as we know it today—a richly creative, international, and multi-billion dollar industry. Greats like Tony Hawk, Ryan Sheckler, and Nick Diamond may have very well never skated if it weren’t for the Z-Boys.

Dogtown Skateboards turned 40 and the iconic brand is celebrating with Nick’s Diamond Supply Co.—which is going on its 20th year of existence. The collection is available September 2nd at midnight on, at Diamond Supply Co flagship locations, and select retailers worldwide. See a preview of the collection below: