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Style Articles

Please Recycle: Making Old Fashion New Again

Jun 5, 2017

Please Recycle: Making Old Fashion New Again


Many images come to mind when hearing the word “vintage”: Flare jeans from the 70’s, neon lighting up the 80’s, and plaid miniskirts in 90’s high schools across the U.S. They’ve all made a come back in one way or another—usually, eventually on your select fast fashion site.

Given climate change’s looming presence, recycling is more important than ever. Many of us are recycling whatever we can: paper, plastic, and now clothes. But what happens to those discarded garments? The answer lies with a few entrepreneurs who took their love of the old, and monetized it in the new world of fashion.

These are some of our favorite entrepreneurs who are making old school the new cool:



This Portland based company is bringing vintage back in a big way via Instagram and 40,000 loyal customers. With simple pieces and a minimalist aesthetic, this unassuming brand drives crazy bidding wars in their comments section—reminiscent of the golden days of Ebay. If you’re looking for classic pieces with a slight feminine touch, then give I AM THAT a double tap. Did we mention they never close?



If you’ve ever looked at impressionist art and wanted to wear it, your time is now. Leo III is an LA-based artist and designer who uses denim jackets as his canvas. His love for all things 90’s fashion, music, and popular culture are showcased in each of his designs. Is Cher your music icon? Or Whitney Houston? Or are you more into today’s artists like FKA Twings? Whoever you want to decorate your body, Leo will customize a jacket just for you.

Sami Miro Vintage

After leaving the tech industry in 2014, Sami Miro decided to take her love for vintage to LA and see what she could do with it. Her business has since evolved into taking hand cut, top quality recycled denim jeans and transforming them into special pieces. From Selena Gomez to Kendall Jenner, everyone wants a piece of Sami’s denim.