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Style Articles

Producer StarRo dips into the fashion world

Mar 5, 2018

Producer StarRo dips into the fashion world


Producer StarRo Dips into the Fashion World

Love the slashies...

From Uber driver, to Grammy nominee, to fashion designer, the story of StarRo is certainly a multi-faceted journey. The Japanese producer/designer has been the face of Beats by Dre, Soulection, and LA’s legendary style sanctuary, The Well. From East Asia to the West Coast, StarRo bridges the two places he calls home through his own global movement that encompasses music, art and fashion.

Symbolizing a love letter between Tokyo and LA, the capsule collection is StarRo’s first and The Well’s final collection before closing their doors. The super limited collaboration has some incredibly thoughtfully structured pieces.


Synergized with the collection, StarRo has released a new single, High Tide. Already a household name in Japan, StarRo’s swim in fashion is making waves worldwide.