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Super Natural Psycho X Noah Clothing

May 10, 2019

Super Natural Psycho X Noah Clothing

Noah, the New York-based clothing and accessories label opened by Supreme’s former creative director, Brendon Babenzian — who is arguably responsible for making the skate brand the empire it’s become — now potentially has a record label? This month they’ve released psychedelic rock band, Super Natural Psycho‘s first LP, Rendezvous With The Sun. Comprised of musicians Reggie McCafferty, Mikey Merante, Darren Nanos, Vrndavana Powell, Mike Rizk and Bryan Valdivia, Super Natural Psycho emits a unique yet familiar sound, bringing an energy that resonates with the edginess of ’90s grunge and the psychedelic riffs of the ’70s.

To celebrate the record’s release, the band performed songs from the album in Noah’s Mulberry Street outpost to a packed house. As friends, family and fans crowded around the oriental rugs, Brooklyn-based visual effects company Macrodose threw appropriately vibey visuals over the room.

In addition to releasing the physical pressed record, Noah’s put out a limited-run collaborative collection with the band including shirts, hoodies and hats. Buy now before they’re gone.