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A Look Inside the Gallery at Elvis Presley’s Former Estate

Dec 22, 2017

A Look Inside the Gallery at Elvis Presley’s Former Estate


A Look Inside the Gallery at Elvis Presley’s Former Estate

A hunk'a hunk'a burning architectural love.

When you think of LA’s high life, the vision often looks like this: a modernist house perched on a hill, a Hockney-esque swimming pool, and an interior space bathed in California’s infamous light. As Los Angeles has grown to become more culturally relevant in art, new retail concepts and galleries have emerged as they move out West. The Future Perfect captures the lifestyle aspirations of living in Los Angeles by opening its second Casa Perfect in Beverly Hills, a highly coveted and collectible design showroom housed inside Elvis Presley’s former estate.

The estate was designed in 1958 by architect Rex Lotery, with a floor plan designed to offer panoramic views from room-to-room. The vaulted ceilings and glass exterior bounces moving shafts of light throughout the day, setting a strobe on different works of art while the sun rises and sets into the mountains.

Casa Perfect features pieces ranging from Piet Hein Eek’s mirrored sofas, Dimore Studio’s high viscose tables, John Hogan glass sculptures to Reinaldo Sanguino graffiti-style ceramic chairs.