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Summer is best spent in a bikini on Mexico’s beaches

Jul 21, 2017

Summer is best spent in a bikini on Mexico’s beaches


When they coined the term “girl about town” they had a woman like Dana Boulos in mind. She is constantly on the move, whether it be snapping Lily Rose Depp, filming Mercedes’ chicest commercial yet, or booking an opening DJ set for Empress Of. However—like we’ve mentioned—even hustlers need a break and there is no better time than summer to sit back, relax, and go on a digital cleanse.

Dana’s destination of choice? Mexico’s Tulum and Cancun.

“It was my second time in Cancun a city I had always heard about as the ‘party city’ when in reality that was the last thing I wanted to do. I remember before going on my trip I had asked a ton of friends of mine to recommend places to check out. I ended up swimming in the Cenotes caves,” Dana recalled. “I recently bought a vintage 80s’ keytar which I ended up playing when we visited the wild beaches of Tulum. It’s the perfect vacation especially if you are trying to relax / stay away from all the digital devices you use daily.”

See her trip in pictures below: