Healing Within Featuring Mama Medicine
Healing Within Featuring Mama Medicine

“Don’t let fear contaminate your energy…” As we maneuver through this difficult time in society, Deborah Hanekamp or Mama Medicine as some know and cherish her, shares these wise words to remind us that we need to be aware of the way we process chaos, confusion, and fear.
Deborah is a healer based in NYC, where you can find her reading auras, calling in blessings, and centering those who’ve sought out metaphysical healing. Especially now, she reminds us to tune into human kindness and resilience during times like these. Mama Medicine incorporates her own wisdom, herbs, and crystals to create an intimate experience with her clients during a one on one reading and integrates these elements into a full sensory experience in a group ceremony.
I’ve had the opportunity to attend a Mama Medicine ceremony and walked away feeling inspired, lighter, and recognizing my own self worth. During the reading, Mama Medicine told the group that we have the power to heal ourselves, and her healing serves as a mirror that unlocks and releases anything that doesn’t serve us. The best thing we can do for ourselves is to get out of our own way, and expand what we believe is possible for ourselves. Self-care is a simple equation, but we often deny ourselves the pleasure of feeling good. The reasons we do this are numerous: too expensive, not enough time, too much to do, it won’t help, etc. We’re here to tell you that self-care doesn’t have to be extravagant—but if you care for your body, it will respond. Mama Medicine and I chatted about how to navigate this time and focus on self care so we can stay healthy for ourselves, friends, families, and communities. With Mama Medicine’s insight, now is the time to hone in on our creative flow and knowing when our intuition is speaking to us.
Can you share your journey with us, big moments that helped shape who you are and your path to becoming “Mama Medicine”?
I have always been able to see auras and feel a lot about people when I first meet them. I had a tumultuous upbringing and it came to a pivotal point where I had three tragedies within a week that left me feeling alone in the world, and I knew I had to get my shit together and be my own healer. At 17, I got my own apartment and had four jobs. From there I got into yoga, started offering energy healings to friends, became vegetarian, and meditated. At that moment, I knew I wanted to use my gifts to heal. I was able to step into my consciousness and realized that my purpose for being in this world was to share and spread love.
From there, my business grew and by the time I was 24, I had my yoga and healing studio in Williamsburg. We were ahead of our time, and in 2012 when I became pregnant with my daughter I let go of everything else and focused solely on doing medicine readings only. When I cut away everything I was able to focus on what is most important.
Were there previous jobs/roles that led you on the path to become a healer?
I’ve always had a strong pull towards the divine and spirituality in all forms, but when I was working odd and end jobs like bartending and hosting, I was able to spend a lot of time with people and in social settings where I could observe people.

Take us through your process as a healer, and how you’re able to intuit what someone needs?
Medicine Reading is a one on one experience where we start by setting an intention on why you are coming and what is what you want to work on. I read your aura, colors, things that need to be paid attention too and do a variety of all different things. I have you lie down and do a whole energy healing ceremony, I teach you to breathe in a specific way, incorporate some elements of sound bath work, cleansing, and protecting your energy field. I will also prescribe a ritual bath after the reading. One on one is the heart of what I do.
Were you inspired to write Ritual Baths as a way to share your knowledge to a larger community?
Yes, it’s not just a book for baths, but has personal insights and stories on why I’m prescribing them and how they will help you. Ritual baths give me that feeling of spiritual ascension as well as grounding and clarity.
What are some of your daily rituals?
I wake up every morning at 5am and dedicate an hour to myself for stillness and silence. I practice different kinds of meditation, but stillness and silence is key to my practice. I live for Ritual Baths, lately I’m trying not to be contaminated by fear and ritual baths are helping me in this process. I feel the salt clearing my energy out and the connection to the crystals, herbs, and nature at this time. I have been working a lot with bentonite clay to draw out of toxins as well.

What are some simple ways that one can clear their space and energy?
It’s important to let light into your home and not be afraid to take a second to yourself because it’s a lot to process everything that’s going on right now. One thing most people have in their spice racks are cinnamon sticks. Cinnamon sticks can be used like sage to smudge your space, they’re anti-microbial, anti-bacterial, and help your auric field. Open your windows and start burning cinnamon sticks to clear your space.
The emails you send out are full of such great wisdom on love, life, relationships? Has this allowed you to express yourself in a new way and connect with your clients?
My meditation practice allows me the time to focus and inspires what I feel I need to communicate. Afterwards, I go to my laptop and write, I decide what the theme for the newsletter is after it takes shape, I don’t plan on it when I start writing.
How do you access your highest vibrational self in a city as frenetic and crazy as NYC or LA?
We can choose what we connect to, we can connect to traffic stress or rush, or I can connect to the joy of children laughing, playing, tourists seeing the city for the first time and being excited. In NYC, the people are nature and the frequency to connect one another makes us human. We are always growing, and here we grow from each other.
What is your most life changing book?
Book of Love by Rumi
What is your most valuable tip/secret to being mindful and glowing?
Be happy with what you have.
What are you most grateful for?
My family