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Style Articles

Yeah, I Work Out Launch at DSM LA

Jun 17, 2019

Yeah, I Work Out Launch at DSM LA


“Lift hard, feel great, have fun, get laid” sums up the ethos of Jason Thomes brand YIWO, or Yeah, I Work Out, perfectly. The year-old cheeky line draws influence from early ’80s radical bodybuilder culture, spotlighting a simpler time of pure unadulterated iron pumping. YIWO celebrates a carefree era before we knew that cocaine, margarine and steroids were actually bad for us. The brand popped up to celebrate its arrival at LA’s bizarro luxury retailer Dover Street Market this past weekend, rubbing elbows with Comme des Garçons, Palace and Jaquemus’ 50% off Riviera collection.

YIWO adds Dover Street to its small but powerful line of well-made streetwear, (and booty shorts, respectfully) to its current stock at Mr. Porter. The in-store display will be more of a permanent fixture, but over the weekend he transformed Dover Street’s parking lot into a one-day, period-correct Muscle Beach Gym. Vintage equipment, discarded bottles of bronzer and an extremely well-curated playlist (which they were nice enough to share with us) can be found below. You can tell that Jason holds this culture near and dear to his heart, and YIWO’s collection reminds us to appreciate the bygone era of lovable buff dummies who just wanna get laid.