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Naomi Elizee’s Favorite Brands Designed and Owned by People of Color

Aug 2, 2019

Naomi Elizee’s Favorite Brands Designed and Owned by People of Color

Meet Naomi Elizee, Vogue magazine’s Associate Market Editor. Born and raised in south Florida, Elizee moved to New York three years ago and landed a job at the magazine — something she describes as a dream come true. “I always knew I wanted to move to New York and work at this magazine. And it’s still surreal sometimes. I really made it happen! Vogue has always been my end all be all. Like if we were to Facetime my mom right now and ask her to show us my inspiration board back at home, I’ve still got the masthead and ripped-out pages stuck up there!”

Just this past spring, she started her own podcast called So…What Do You Do Again? (which was sparked by her family members asking that very question about her job — an experience many of us creatives are familiar with :). It interviews women of color in the fashion industry, focusing in on their career paths. “I wanted to create something of my own,” she explains. “And I wanted to give these talented women in creative industries a platform to give back to their communities. I want younger women, who might feel marginalized, to not feel so alone and be inspired by these podcasts. My first guest was Rajni Jacques the fashion director at Allure. She’s been a mentor to me and an incredible woman in my life.”

We recently caught up with Elizee — who was shuttling between the Vogue offices, visits with designers and the evening’s events — and asked her to give us a list of her favorite brands helmed by people of color.


The way Kerby [Jean-Raymond] incorporates political statements into his well-designed and thought-out pieces is what I admire the most about Pyer Moss. It’s more than just a brand, it is a direct representation of our community.


I own every Telfar bag in every color. It’s gotten quite excessive haha … I love the design and thought that goes behind all of Telfar’s pieces, from the simple asymmetrical tops to the cutout jeans! Not to mention, he puts on the most memorable runway shows that give major brands a run for their money.


I was introduced to Valerie (designer of Vavvoune) earlier this year and it is incredibly inspiring to me to watch her grow her brand at such a young age. I wear my bag almost everyday as it is one of those easily transitioned bags from day to night.


There’s not one piece of jewelry from Edas that is not beautifully handcrafted. I am currently obsessing over the wooden door-knocker earrings and need to finally make the plunge and purchase!


I am a huge fan of Hanifa‘s pieces!! My favorites are the pants with the feather trim … her pieces are fun and wearable but also don’t break the bank.