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Wellness Articles

Emily Oberg works out with Basic Space

Feb 20, 2018

Emily Oberg works out with Basic Space

Emily Oberg Works Out with Basic Space

burn baby, burn!

This weekend Basic Space held a workout taught by Nike Master Trainer, Kirsty Godso, and founder of Sporty & Rich and Basic Space super seller, Emily Oberg. Around 30 guests participated in the workout on the EP & LP rooftop in West Hollywood under the hot February sun (this is LA after all, we don’t have winter).

The workout was focused around cardio, abs, and stretching – all the essentials. After an hour of exercising, participants socialized with the trainers and ate healthy snacks, washed down with water from custom Basic Space water bottles. Everyone appreciated the time spent meeting the trainers!

Emily’s the Founder of Sporty and Rich, and co-hosts a Tidal produced podcast called “The Group Chat” – she last spoke with Kendrick Lamar at the Makers Conversation for NBA All-Star weekend. Kirsty’s a Nike master trainer, and started both Pyrogirls and HIIT, a class at PROJECT by Equinox. Kirsty’s all about both working out and helping people out with health tips.

Basic Space is a curated marketplace app with influential creatives selling exclusive items and recommended products to their audience.